Life Inc's Revolution hits the neighborhood of La Barceloneta. This area at Barcelona's beach is in the middle of the change the city is going through. It used to be a strong base for the CNT/FAI and other revolutionary groups. The dockworkers who lived and worked here where known for their radical resistance against the contrarevolutionairy reaction during the Spanish cicil war. In 1936 la barceloneta was armed by the symphatising local police force who provided a weapon to anyone who owned a union card. That made la Barceloneta one of the most resistant neighborhoods. This radical character remained even through the Franco regime.
Today a mayor change is taking place. The Barcelona city council is improving the area dramaticly. Most of the houses in the small streets of la barceloneta are in previous century conditions. The city council has brought up a new law that every appartment in la barceloneta that doesn't have an elevator or doesn't provide the space to install one can be demolished and replaced by improved housing. Meanwhile huge investments are injected in the rise of Port Vell, a hypermodern Yacht Port. The fast change offcourse causes some rupture. Thanks to the strengtening of local police forces, unlike in 1936, the social clashes can be avoided.

while the local inhabitants are getting fenced in...

The new rich are fencing everyone else out.